Autoimmune Nutrition

What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet has the primary focus of fighting chronic systemic inflammation. This diet is beneficial for general overall health and has been reported to combat serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, obesity, and depression. It is composed of whole foods with an avoidance of highly processed foods.

What is Autoimmune Nutrition?

Nutrition is just the process of obtaining food necessary for health. Autoimmune Nutrition has the primary focus of fighting systemic inflammation and at the same time boosting immunity. The emphasis is on flooding the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and potent nutrients while avoiding foods known to trigger inflammatory reactions. Doing so stops the onslaught of negative symptoms, decreases pain and organ destruction, and promotes healing at a cellular level.

How does it support the immune system?

This is done by reducing oxidative stress, stabilizing blood sugar level, healing gut permeability, and addressing essential nutritional deficiencies.

What does Autoimmune Nutrition consist of?

There are essential foods to add (cruciferous vegetables, berries, leafy greens and healthy fats) as well as specific foods to avoid (gluten, dairy, processed meats, highly processed foods). Remember the goal is to eliminate inflammatory triggers and flood the body with support for the immune system.

To boost immunity you must ADD:

Cruciferous Vegetables


Leafy Greens

Healthy Fats

To stop inflammation you must AVOID:


Flour, Bread, Pasta, Crackers


Milk, Cheese, Butter, Cream


Sandwich Meat, Sausage, Bacon

Fast Food

Deep Fried, Highly Processed

How do these foods boost immunity?

These foods contain natural compounds including phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber that prevent cellular stresses, inhibit inflammatory signals, promote healthy gut microbiota, and slow down digestion to prevent surges in blood glucose.


Compounds produced by plants for their protection. These compounds function as the plant’s immune system and protect them against disease. These phytochemicals possess strong antioxidant mechanisms, exhibit antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, antiallergic, antispasmodic, and antiviral activities. 


The antioxidants in brightly colored fruits and vegetables work to lessen the effect of free radicals and oxidative stress. High antioxidant foods include dark chocolate, berries and greens as well as fruits and veggies that have red, blue, and purple pigments.


Fiber is essential for maintaining healthy gut bacteria with pre- and probiotics improving the microbiome. The gut microbiome regulates metabolism and immunity homeostasis. A healthy microbiome protects against pathogens and synthesizes essential vitamins.

Amazing new research!

Science has found that diet and lifestyle can actually turn on or off over 500 genes that affect your health.

Meaning you can actually CHANGE your DNA based on how you eat and live!

One of the best ways to improve your health is not in the medicine cabinet, but in your refrigerator.

Avoid packaged foods and flood your system with whole fresh fruits and veggies!